
Word for Word’s 2019 Tour of France

Featuring Anniversary! Stories by Tobias Wolff ("Deep Kiss") and George Saunders ("Victory Lap")

elebrating Word for Word's 25th Anniversary

April 17 - May 3

April 17: PARIS

Théatre de la Tour Eiffel, 4 Square Rapp, Paris 7ème

Sponsored by the American Library in Paris and the Ecole Jeannine Manuel

For reservations  https://americanlibraryinparis.org/event/word-for-word/


April 25-26:  NANCY

Amphi Déléage, Campus Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Université de Lorraine, 23 Blvd. Albert

Infos et réservations :

06 03 81 34 15 (T.U.N.)
de 10h à 18h du lundi au vendredi

Sponsored by the American Library of Nancy


May 2-3:   ANGERS

Le Quart'Ney, 5/9 rue Ernest Eugène Duboys. 8 pm, with a 2 pm matinée on May 3

Sponsored by the English Language Library of Angers

For reservations, info@ellia.org or