z space Steindler Stage Tech Specs

Please find below the technical specifications for the Steindler Stage at Z Space. 

There are multiple documents comprising our complete technical specification, both descriptive text documents and drawings in various formats. Please download as required.

Please direct any concerns or questions to Colm McNally, Director of Technical and Production at cmcnally@zspace.org.

1. Technical Specification (pdf)

2. Rep plot and schematics (Vectorworks 2023) - contact Colm at cmcnally@zspace.org to get via email.

3. Magic Sheets (pdf)

4. Instrument Schedule (pdf)

5. Floor plan (pdf)

6. Stage Left Section (pdf)

7. Stage Right Section (pdf)

8. Upper Walkway (pdf)

9. Stage elevation (pdf)

10. High Steel (pdf)

11. Audio Plot (pdf)

12. Lighting Plot (pdf)

13. Video Plot (pdf)